National Trust Volunteering June 2023

Another set of eager volunteers showed up last week to help out with our latest event with the National Trust for Jersey.

Tags: Crew Clothing, Matalan

Tackling Bracken at Sorel Point

Under the supervision of National Trust volunteer Ranger Josh, the team did a fantastic job clearing the bracken to help our Manx Loaghtan sheep. They were able to fill 8 bags, despite the scorching heat, and clear a new area for the adorable sheep to graze.

Manx Loaghtan sheep

A conservation flock of Manx Loaghtan sheep were introduced to the area a few years ago to increase biodiversity. By removing the encroaching bracken, the team has increased their area for grazing.

Support local

It’s always fantastic to support such important local initiatives, as well as being a brilliant bonding experience for everyone who volunteered. Great work team!